Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Black Plague

Thought I would start my posts with something a bit morbid.  Remember the black plague that was so feared. Well fear no more.  It seems that the modern version of the plague and the ones that were around 600 years ago are very similar and can be defeated by antibiotics that are around today.  Meet Yersinia pestis:
There are a reported 2000 cases per year world wide.  Its seems that the plague was so devastating (killing ~50 million people) back in the day because of circumstances of the time.  Back then Europe and Asia were also plagued with famine, war, and rapid climate change (coldness!!).  People also had no innate immunity (meaning this was the first time they had encountered the disease).  It killed people who were not resistant to the bacterium and the people who were resistant survived and reproduced offsprings who were resistant.  If you want to learn more go read this article:

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