Today was a half day. And this is why. The fence below is the same height as me. My apartment complex was plowed at 7:30AM and these pictures are from 2PM when I got home. I woke up and went out at 7:15AM to remove the snow off my car. It wasn't too hard, but I was worried because the snow behind my car was much higher, but like a knight in shining armor the maintenance guy comes by in his white truck with a yellow plow to remove the snow behind my car.
Once he went through my section of the complex the pile was high. In the below picture is the snow pile and that is my car behind the pile.
Everyone pulled their windshield wiper up so that it would be easier in the morning to remove the snow and the wiper is not stuck to the windshield.
The highway was plowed somewhat. There were tire tracks in the snow, which is what I followed because you could not see the lanes. At some parts of the road you could tell it was supposed to be two lanes or three, but it was just one lane today. Everyone went 40mph on the highway with a good two car distance. Oh and i couldn't take a picture of it, but the Hudson River is frozen around where I live. I wish I could go see it, but I am going to wait till the path to the river is cleared of snow.
Today, work was easy. I went in at 8:30AM and sat in on the new hire orientation until 12PM when they sent us home. So the rest of the orientation will be tomorrow, and some next week to make up for today. I don't know why people say New Yorkers are mean and not helpful, because if you make the effort to talk to people they are all nice and very helpful. I already have a list of places to eat and the best bank to use and the best shopping place.
Anyway, North Carolinians don't show off too much of your 70F weather. I am a bit jealous. Oh also all my efforts to get a good coat has paid off. The coats I have gotten are very effective. I will close by thanking all the people who have helped me move. My friends who came in and helped me pack and my parents who came and helped me pack some more and taking me to the airport. The people who came from out of town to say goodbye and made me an awesome scavenger hunt and to all the people who came to my going away parties. I feel truly loved and I saw that. I love you guys too!
Wow that's a lot of snow! I hope your elephant painting survived the trip. Post some pics of your new apartment!